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Blogger lgude said...

Reading in your first paragraph that we lived in immersive contact with god/s, nature, spirits, and each other I recognised immediately that I still do, but I also notice that since about the Millenium the media environment has changed completely. As I know you are aware from your Addicted to Distraction, McLuhan said that these changes of environment numb us initially. I'm coming out of it, but in my experience you are exactly right when you say it requires "iniatory intent." And so far it only inner spiritual practice that counters the torrent of distraction. It is much like St. Augustine's friend who was addicted to the sight of blood and death in the arena, but who managed to break its hold on him. His friends dragged him back to the arena but he was still free so long as he did not look - then he opened his eyes and was lost forever.

20 September 2020 at 14:27