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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Anonymous dearieme said...

Dickens is absurdly over-rated, Shakespeare sadly under-rated.

I have probably told you that a School Inspector once nearly took a swipe at the young me when I opined to him that Lit Crit was just chaps who can't write wittering about chaps who can. Harsh, I admit, but pretty close to the truth.

31 December 2012 at 16:27

Anonymous Wm Jas said...

Dearieme, how can Shakespeare -- universally recognized as the greatest writer in the history of the known universe -- possibly be "under-rated"?

31 December 2012 at 18:15

Anonymous Samson said...

Agreed that Dickens is overrated as a writer - his concepts and themes are great but the prose itself is often deathly dull... So that, for instance, A Christmas Carol often makes for a better film than a book.

31 December 2012 at 18:35

Anonymous dearieme said...

Wm - because he's even better than that.

1 January 2013 at 02:30

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@d - I find I can't enjoy Dickens either - but I recognize that he has been accorded the accolade of greatness by the general reader - presumably for his vivid characters and situations.

Lit Crit has been, for the past forty years or so, chaps and chapesses who can't write wittering about chaps and chapesses who can't write either.

1 January 2013 at 05:23

Anonymous dearieme said...

"Lit Crit has been, for the past forty years or so, chaps and chapesses who can't write wittering about chaps and chapesses who can't write either."

There's progress for you.

1 January 2013 at 11:03

Anonymous Imnobody said...

Great essay. I have thought this way for decades. As Orson Scott Card says, "Eventually, the literary canon bends to the popular one".

Don Quixote was a bestseller despised by the learned ones and the books that were considered worthy in this time are not published to day. Stendhal's or Shakespeare's works were despised in their time by the writers and cultured people.

The ultimate judge about the canon is the people but not the people of today but the people of every age. This is why it takes time to know whether a book will remain in the canon. Only posterity has the ultimate say.

2 January 2013 at 10:11