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Blogger Lucinda said...

In conversations with my philosophical brother, he persuaded me about personal preference being an important basis for morality. This sounds very immoral to most people, and I'm not equipped to argue the point.

But what the idea did for me was allow me to stop worrying so much about social things, to think more endogenous-ly despite being not naturally endogenous.

This should be distinguished from an attempt to pass myself off as endogenous, which is quite a different thing, and counterproductive.

30 June 2021 at 19:27

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Lucinda - "pass myself off as endogenous". This is how 'progressive' Christians strike me.

They seem to be trying to convince themselves and others that they are bold and original individualists, operating on the basis of deep motivations; yet are merely conforming to the standard, mainstream, mass media, official sexual (im)morality and leftist politics.

30 June 2021 at 19:33

Blogger Lucinda said...

Back to your original point, the modern situation with it's prosperity and perceived safety invites Christians beyond mere survival-oriented obedience. Clearly prosperity and safety (eternal death-avoidance) are aspects of our heavenly hope, but they don't constitute an answer to why life is better than death.

Unfortunately the delay in needing to consider death (as opposed to life) is mostly exposing that people are not really interested in being active in creation and are squandering their life trying to shift identity in order to avoid 'accountability' for who they really are. What they've actually done is to miss out on a grand inheritance.

3 July 2021 at 14:11