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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Anonymous John Douglas said...

Your own metaphysical assumptions are neither foolish nor childish. They are what used to be known as 'common sense'
America's Declaration of Independence states "We hold these truths to be self evident...."
And where did that phrase come from? It came from Thomas Reid and others in the 18th century's "Scottish Common Sense Realism" -

See also this book by Robert Curry - (he has written a 'sequel' published last year)

14 January 2020 at 09:22

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@John - The trouble is that modern 'common sense' (which *everybody* knows - taught in schools and from the pulpit) has it that men can turn into women (and vice versa, and back again, if wanted) and so forth; and that to deny this (and the necessary castration/ spaying/ mutilation and and hormone drugging of children) is to (what did that UK judge say?) contrary to SCIENCE, as well as human rights.

And of course every school-kid (plus multi-trillion dollar SCIENCE) *knows* that human action can control future global climate (down to less than one degree precision, acording to official UN reports!).

Goodness knows what Hutcheson, Reid, Stewart et al would have to say nowadays!

14 January 2020 at 14:23

Blogger Francis Berger said...

I appreciate the connection you have made between history and metaphysics here. Winners write history, and as you point out in in this post, it is abundantly clear who writes history today. This control/distortion/obliteration of history has indeed had devastating effects on our concept of metaphysics. We are very much at the point that any discussion of metaphysics will be treated with suspicion or disdain.

I often touch upon Hungarian history, but I hesitate to go into any great detail about it because I know most people in the West simply would not get it. Not because it is foreign or obscure, but because they have been pre-programmed to instantly reject the metaphysical aspects underscoring the events just as readily as they have been pre-programmed to reject the metaphysical aspects of their own individual lives.

14 January 2020 at 19:23

Blogger MagisterGreen said...

As a teacher myself, albeit not of history (or 'social studies') itself, I think a huge gain for the enemy was the trend of teaching "thematic" history instead of chronological history. Young people have no sense of time anymore - no sense of an order of events, this happened before that, cause and's all just a random hodgepodge of 'events', 'trends', and so on. Thus the idea that Christ fulfilled...well...anything is just too much for them to take in and comprehend. Even the ancients at least had a sense that history was cyclical...moderns have no sense of history at all.

14 January 2020 at 23:39