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Blogger Francis Berger said...

I confess that I was prone to clutch at fake straws from time to time before 2019-2020, but the birdemic put an end to all that for me (hopefully).

"Those who seek radical change from reforming current institutions; by infiltrating and re-occupying enemy-held ground."

Yes, the Hungarian PM is often lauded in certain circles for that. Just the other day, he was asked whether he was considering taking his country out of the EU. His response? He has no plans to leave the EU. His plans involve *taking over* the EU.

This is the sort of thing that gets certain circles riled up with optimism; however, if they paused long enough to really contemplate the implications of what the Hungarian PM is saying, they might just understand that any optimism invested in the Hungarian PM -- or others like him -- is severely misguided.

But, as you said so well in your other post from yesterday, that would require unlearning a lot of basic assumptions and learning or discovering "sounder" ones. A coherent set of metaphysical assumptions quickly exposes fake straws like the Hungarian PM (and hinders one from attempting to clutch at them).

8 February 2024 at 08:50

Anonymous Colin said...

I repent the sin of getting excited for several minutes about the story about a recent 2 hr chat in the FN..

8 February 2024 at 10:24

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Frank and Colin - Both excellent examples of what I mean.

8 February 2024 at 12:14