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Blogger Chiu ChunLing said...

A great deal of why evil people lie is simply because telling the truth is difficult and requires constant evaluation of the context and quality of communication. The resort to characterizing as "racism" the observation that there is an IQ gap between families that have held more socially advantageous professions for generations and those which do not achieve such professions is less a deliberate untruth and more a habit of lazy Marxist argument.

Of course, to avoid self-examination and recognition of participation in evil, lies are a psychological necessity. But it is still more accurate to say that lies produce evil than that evil produces lies. The habit of lying has to be well-entrenched for evil behavior to really flourish, and if the habit of lying is broken then the conscience may awaken.

Of course, sloth is a form of evil, so it can be said that a particular evil undermines honesty until it no longer serves as an impediment to indulgence in other sins. And of course dishonesty is an evil as well, though to say that lies produce or are caused by the sin of dishonesty is not terribly meaningful.

But doing good, even intellectually, requires sustained effort. The lack of this effort produces evil.

25 July 2018 at 16:14

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@CCL - What you say may be correct at lower levels of obedience to evil (and correct about public evil in the past); but active evil, strategic evil, dedicated service/ enslavement to evil is a different and much more purposive matter - and that is what we are seeing nowadays.

The doing of evil *even when* it is inexpedient or highly risky in worldly terms; because this is what demonstrates devotion to the cause of evil, and is indeed required by those who demand obedience in pursuit of the evil agenda.

The order is to seed discourse with lies all of the time - except in response to questions from superiors. Ultimately, the main 'victim' is the liar himself - because this - unrepented - is damnation.

25 July 2018 at 18:54

Blogger William Wildblood said...

They have to lie because their world view is based on the denial of God and Christ which is the ultimate lie. Once you have given yourself over to this lie everything else, by necessity, must also be a lie. If the roots of your thought are in untruth then the fruits will be too.

The denial of God is always an affirmation of self as in ego self. But this ego self is a lie and can only be sustained by lies (often to oneself). This is why those who deny God can only continue to justify themselves by lying.

25 July 2018 at 22:25

Blogger Chiu ChunLing said...

It is very true that, at the top of the pyramid of exploitation, you must not merely fail in perceiving the truth, but need to be firmly entranced by the great and explicitly satanic lies. I mostly deal with mook-level evil, because there are more of them and there is still some point in telling them that they are lying.

For those on the top, who achieve and maintain their position in the hierarchy of evil by dint of actual knowledge of their true master, there is nothing to be done but to kill them. But that is best done after dissuading as many of their possible successors as are willing to wake up and make a moral choice. You can't kill the lie anymore than you can kill the truth. Suasion must be applied at the bottom, where there are people who can still change their mind.

I always tell people this about Hitler (and going back in time to kill him). While that was certainly necessary, ultimately eroding and outright destroying his support was the prerequisite for it to have any real effect.

26 July 2018 at 05:57

Blogger Avro G said...

To the prideful spirit of our time the greatest obscenity is repentance. Those who can't repent must like continually. No second thoughts. It seems once you've thrown off Christ's yoke it's all or nothing.

27 July 2018 at 01:48