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Blogger Jonathan said...

Yes, the last 11 paragraphs really are a perfect summary of the point. A point you've made before in less pointed ways, and that I've been sharing with those who will listen. It's very helpful to see it written this way.

22 August 2021 at 18:56

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for this! I don't think I've thought about the 'eco-thriller' enough in its distinctness. I remember the fact of The China Syndrome (which Wikipedia tells me "was theatrically released on March 16, 1979") and promotional clips and publicity attention and what not (I think I finally saw it later broadcast on television...). I still have not read the Strugatsky brothers' Roadside Picnic (which Wikipedia tells me was published in an English translation in 1977), and so do not know whether it fits the description or not. I wonder if Thunderbirds (1965-67) fit in here, at least some of the time - I never saw them till 1990s reruns and I certainly sometimes found myself thinking something like 'serious consideration of the adverse future consequences of some present "solution" of theirs is hair-raisingly ignored' (and wondered if this was irony on the part of the makers, rather than lunk-headedness).

With, for example, Lewis's Abolition of Man in the back of my mind, the propriety of "saving life from a threat" in such a mutable and finite 'worldly existence' does clearly require meaning and hope which transcend both this mortal life and any bogus utopianisms.

David Llewellyn Dodds

24 August 2021 at 00:01