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Blogger Francis Berger said...

I live in a country whose rulers have, thus far, defended their people to some extent. Of course, the erection of a fence to block the illegal mass migration was immediately condemned as a massive display of racism and xenophobia by other Western rulers.

I concur with your view that the Establishment in the West is incapable (or willfully neglectful) of comprehending these sorts of actions through any other lens but hatred. It fits their mantra of inverted values perfectly.

20 March 2019 at 10:35

Blogger whitestone said...

I wonder if the hatred of our political classes that you speak of is not predominantly self hatred. An unconscious desire to destroy themselves and everything around them.
Perhaps hitler on some level actually wished to reduce Europe to a pile of burning rubble and then, finally blow his own head off in a bunker?

20 March 2019 at 17:19

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@whitestone - At the highest level, I think the motivation is a very pure form of evil - loathing of God and all that is Good. Often to the point of demonic possession. There may not be much 'self' to loathe-with.

20 March 2019 at 17:54

Blogger Seijio Arakawa said...

That about sums it up.

On another note, the allegation that the Brexit vote was motivated by 'hatred' relies on the media's ability to stoke real actual hatred against the Noel Appleby Hobbit types who voted for Brexit but who understandably may not be able to deliver an eloquent philosophical analysis as to why.

Trying to see how the EU explains itself and why the voters who googled "what is the EU" on referendum day may have been unimpressed, I found myself reading "Europe in 12 Lessons" on the EU website. It's even odds that Noel Appleby Hobbit would be bored to tears well before clicking through to this document, but being a philosophical masochist I made it halfway through. The following note in the intro was telling, however:

> During the most recent economic and social crisis, Europe has seen the rise of populist, extremist and nationalistic tendencies that threaten democracy and the process of European integration. Many movements are skeptical of existing institutions, both at national and European levels. It remains to be seen whether new economic growth based on common solutions can ease these tensions.

In other words, the great hope expressed here is that Feed is stronger than Hate, and that populism can be made to go away by throwing prosperity at it. That economies are cyclical and the moral fiber of nations is shown by what happens to them during times of disaster and contraction, escapes the author. So does the fact that economic growth measures are easily gamed and often measure activities that waste resources and effort, or actively contribute to human misery.


Schooled by cynicism and vice
Alas! The Satanist profers advice:

"If your subjects fighting be
Then drown them in prosperity.
Only fools fight while they're eating,
So feed them with a GDP.
Man or Fairy, all the same,
Are Serpents by another name,
And will devour in mutual strife
Unless ensured a pleasant life.
Of course, there is no Meaning deep
In whether Serpents fight or sleep,
But I'll say, with Satanic tact,
That if a man seeks too much Meaning
Thank Hell, there are pills for that!"

20 March 2019 at 20:59

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Seijio - That, at least, was the strategy until about 15-20 years ago, when the policy of encouraging permanent inward immigration and cultural destruction began.

This is clearly economically lethal, and prevents the policy of mass bribery (elite bribery, of course, continue unabated) - and the age of mass European prosperity is finished; starting with Greece, where it seems the average standard of living has perhaps halved - at least, that's what it sounds like from personal reports.

For the past 15-20 years, the UK has needed to sustain, house and school (etc) something between a third and half a million new, (mostly) permanent economic dependents per year - a whole medium sized city's worth.

In the fake-negotiations - EU leadership were absolutely inflexible about the necessity to continue the process of cultural and economic destruction by mass immigration; and no nationals are to be allowed to exempt themselves. Some nations such as the UK were permitted to stay out of the single currency; but not the mandatory mass immigration.

Of all aspects, population movement is the one that the Eurocrats insist remains under centralised 'control'.

Thus the demonic conspiracy reveals itself: it now feels strong enough to do so.

21 March 2019 at 06:29