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Anonymous G. said...

Something CS Lewis said about Nausicaa and her family in the Odyssey is that a family like that is the real definition of civilization. They are found in every age and in every age they are surrounded by barbarians.

Game of Thrones is a multi-volume expression of hate for families of that type.

13 August 2022 at 19:36

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@G - Yes indeed.

Nowadays I think it is necessary to have (available) a metaphysical-level explanation as to why families are primary, and how they relate to divine creation (including non-human creation) - otherwise it seems like an arbitrary assertion, or else an expedient means to some other end.

14 August 2022 at 06:41

Blogger Jacob Gittes said...

It's interesting how I hear the phrase or idea of "other ways of being a family," or the "many new forms of family" everywhere, even in some churches. That seems to breed endless confusion, and almost make it seem old-fashioned to have a standard family with a mother, father, children, etc.

15 August 2022 at 14:26

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@J - " "other ways of being a family" - "friends will replace family" etc. Easy to say - and it's been said assertively and confidently for decades. Yet it just doesn't work, there is no replacement to be had - as we may see from personal experience and observation.

15 August 2022 at 14:42

Anonymous ben said...

Maybe pre-mortal life would have more implications than I've seen thought through. If people existed *eternally* pre-mortally, then this would surely very much affect how they live in this world, despite passing through a veil of forgetfulness. Pursuits of an individual in this world might have to do with what they were doing pre-mortally. There would have been a 'second nature' acquired.

Love of family members and maybe even true friends could be carried over from pre-mortal life. With this understanding, it wouldn't be only a similar nature and spending a long time *in this world* with someone that would be contributing to love. Coming to love someone here would be a sort of remembering.

16 August 2022 at 05:23