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Blogger Jacob Gittes said...

I'll have to re-read this a few times, but it makes sense.
This could partially explain why, in my life, when I've tried to brute-force changes in my thinking and behavior, it never seems to work. Let alone trying to force others to change to my liking!
Yet, sometimes, if I am just still and quiet and feel more at home with God and myself and being and everything, a shift will happen, and suddenly things in this material world and my life actually become easier, more spontaneous, less forced, more creative. It's a change that happened in some unknown way related to my motivations and beliefs and beingness, not anything to do with psychological reasoning (causes), and attempts at self-manipulation.
I have lost interest in most psychology, because it seems so ineffective and blockheaded - a huge disparity between the effort put into it, and the results.

But what you describe is very powerful indeed.

27 July 2021 at 17:21