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Anonymous Adam G. said...

That's what I call a grin!

29 August 2014 at 13:00

Anonymous Nicholas Fulford said...

And a very happy looking fellow you are. In three days I do my annual sojourn into the backcountry - to fast as it were from the artificial world of urban life.

With luck I shall have no black bears to contend with, or any other nastinesses, but only heart pounding climbs up the remains of ancient quartzite mountains in one of Canada's most beautiful parks - Killarney provincial park.

Enjoy your sojourns, be they for an afternoon or several weeks. I find they have no equal in restoring me to a more sane and joyful state.

30 August 2014 at 00:24

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

I have actively wanted to walk the Ridgeway for 15 years - so no wonder I felt cheery.

30 August 2014 at 15:02