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Blogger Francis Berger said...


25 November 2020 at 09:08

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The lockdowns have actually been a great opportunity to focus on God and grow spiritually...if we don't waste this time, of course. Some people have gotten their priorities straight this year, realizing they must choose their side in the battle of good versus evil. Others still only care about their idols...celebrities, sports players, and in the US there's even a "Trump worship" subculture of people who believe his reelection would somehow save us from the Satanic NWO agenda.

But I can relate, because in one sense I've never been more at peace, and even "happy," partially because I've been able to take a step back from the rat race. Though in another sense I recognize that evil has become more blatant in the world, and will probably continue in that direction.

In any case, hope you feel better soon.

25 November 2020 at 18:52

Blogger mareno said...

Thank you for articulating and validating my daily experience. I often cycle through different emotions and perspectives multiple times per day. I'll sometimes get stuck in one for several days, and wake up suddenly forgetting where I left off and why I was even feeling that way. I find it difficult to reconcile all of can I be so incredibly hopeful and spiritually filled in one moment, and then devastated the next by another draconian rule/policy forced on our family? I am grounded by prayer, the Sacraments, a few friends going through the exact same thing, and the promise of Jesus Christ, but this is by far the hardest time in my life thus far.

26 November 2020 at 02:18

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@mareno - I don't think that life can be 'fixed' by the kind of thing I said in the blog; but it may at least help stop us making things worse, by berating ourselves for failing to do what God doesn't mean us to do.

It seems obvious to me (now) that God has not made us, or this world, for continuous spiritual perfection; and striving for it we may well be failing to learn what he has put right in front of us.

26 November 2020 at 06:48