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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find myself in this position, despair drove me to prayer early last year. The whole business was very immediate and lacked any intellectual component. As such it was comfort though there were spiritual shocks. The nebulous God who might solve my problem because he was simply good dissolved one terrible day in the realisation that I was asking a loan from a creditor to whom I already owed an incalculable amount.

My problem now is two fold; first I desire a church because I struggle to discern the nature of God on my own, yet I am often repulsed by the church when I contact it. An institution or man may tell me that mass migration is not an evil or worse that is some sort of good but I would then regard it/him as utterly corrupt.

Second if I were asked if I 'believe' I would struggle to answer. I often act like I believe but why do I do this, I don't know. Certainly I have no convincing argument or proof of God. Metaphysics is a subject that is utterly closed to me. I am led by my convictions of good and evil but these are so at variance with the current society and the church and sometimes even the bible that I am utterly alienated.

All that said I find repentance always strikes the true note. I sometimes wonder how truthful I am being within myself but I have no doubt that words and the commitment like an oath contain a real power that binds even with a half hearted will.


26 August 2020 at 10:32

Anonymous Bruce B. said...

Bruce, I suppose the way I see it (today) is that repentance is the very basic level of faith, the first and, I suppose, minimal step.

I think (maybe) this is consistent with Catholic/Orthodox understanding with the condition that repentance is generally a sacramental function of the Church (with the additional possibility of an act of perfect contrition).

26 August 2020 at 12:06

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@BB - "repentance is generally a sacramental function of the Church "

That would require an absolute faith in the church which more Christians lack (for good and obvious reasons, in my opinion).

When I ask myself if a loving God, who is the creator, would make this world such that a church was necessary to repentance - it seems obvious that He would not.

A Christian church, when not corrupt, can certainly be helpful in repentance. But the truth versus corruption of any particular church (or congregation) is for me an empirical question to be discerned, not a matter of faith.

26 August 2020 at 12:19

Blogger Sean G. said...

I have personally found repentance and metanoia more powerful outside if the Orthodox Church that I attended (before they kicked us all out). I felt at first like my repentance didn't count outside of the Church. But to Bruce C's point I imagined arriving at the gates of heaven and an angel looking over my paperwork...

"Ah yes, you've confessed of your sins. Very good, very goo— oh wait. I don't see an absolution prayer in here. Sorry but rules are rules!"

It seemed so absurd to me so I started repenting often and feeling the Holy Ghost more than ever. Interestingly, when I started doing this many of my favorite sins lost there power over me.

26 August 2020 at 19:10