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Anonymous David said...

So much evil so successfully doing what it does best. A lot of your posts very articulately highlight the sad plight of an enfeebled human race haplessly orchestrating their own demise in response to the immaterial promptings of disembodied adversarial spirits including the prince of darkness himself and one presumes a host of other subordinate recently-incarnate evil spirits including the likes of the late Sir Jimmy Saville and perhaps, who can tell?! your local seemingly affable school teacher, a pensioner or superficially friendly neighbour. It is quite sad really and apt to cause a sense of hopelessness if one dwells too much on the abundant darkness in the world instead of the light. It makes me wonder where all the good guys are? Or have all the Ghouls claimed them for their own already? And well, I can't shake this inner conviction that good conquers all but at the moment it feels like Heavenly father has gone away from home on a business trip somewhere and has left us all with uncle Satan to babysit for the time being or else why would a loving father knowingly leave us in the presence of such evil (or is this another limit we must place on God? He couldn't do it any other way except prevent Satan becoming incarnate? But stick around he must for now?). I suppose I just assume heavenly father knows best and will show up when it is really needed but I can't help but wonder. Surely we would expect to see more good in the world than naked evil thanks to his intervention? Just a thought. I try to dwell on the good and not the bad if I can. The ring beguiles the longer one looks at it. Is focusing on love,kindness, beauty and virtue not an important antidote to be deliberately imbibed daily to inoculate ourselves again the massing throngs of worldly evil? I hope so.

20 July 2014 at 12:07

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@D - We are in the end times/ latter days.

But God is not absent in any way, shape or form - He is there as close as He always has been - patiently waiting for us to turn to him.

But, on the whole, we do not.

20 July 2014 at 15:08

Anonymous Imnobody said...

Great post, Bruce. Having thought about men and women for years, I wanted to add something but I think there is nothing to add. Thank you for sharing.

20 July 2014 at 16:52

Anonymous Adam G. said...

Spot on, Bruce C.

21 July 2014 at 11:02

Anonymous BruceB said...

Yes, this was an exceptional post.
Religion provides women with a positive peer group e.g. the Relief Society who visited my wife yesterday evening.

21 July 2014 at 12:36

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Adam and Bruce - Thanks!

21 July 2014 at 13:40

Blogger jgress said...

I used to think the reason for declining fertility was easily explained by the enhanced status of women: childbearing is painful and child-rearing toilsome and expensive, so it stands to reason that once women no longer feel obligated to bear and raise children, owing to changing social mores and easily-obtained contraceptives, fertility would plummet.

But I feel there are too many women who genuinely want to have children but are prevented from doing so by circumstances, such as the pressure of work and lack of suitable mates (i.e. men who earn enough that their wives can stay at home), so I agree that our society is ultimately short-changing women on this matter. Despite feminist claims that women are now free to choose motherhood or career or both, the fact is that government and employers now expect women to be just as available for work as men, with the result that very few couples are able to live on one income and allow the other partner to devote their time and energy to domestic work.

21 July 2014 at 16:39

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@jgress - But that can't be the main reasons. We have been living in the most prosperous circumstances in history, but say children cannot be afforded.

People spend many years and 100Ks of dollars on worthless and unused college degrees, but say children cannot be afforded.

They spend 1000 dollars a year on their hair, 10,000 dollars on holidays, 30,000 dollars on a wedding party, 20,000 on a better car than they need, tens of thousands on divorces...

Apparently the *only* thing that is just too inconvenient and too expensive in the modern world, is children.

The fact is that modern women, modern people, could have successfully raised more children than at any time in history - if it had been a priority.

But it wasn't.

21 July 2014 at 17:19

Anonymous ajb said...

Following what BC said, when people say they "can't afford a kid," they usually *mean* they can't both have a kid and have as many luxuries (historically, that is what they are) as they otherwise would or perhaps would like to have.

In other words, they are saying they would like to have a kid, but not if it gets in the way too much of the other things they've been sold on.

So, the next question is who's sold them on those things as being more important?

21 July 2014 at 17:51

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Imn - Sorry I forgot to thank you too - actually I was a bit stunned at having made you lost for words ;-)

21 July 2014 at 19:07

Anonymous Glengarry said...

It's somewhat amusing, or should that be eerie, to see the smart phone zombies shuffling about these days. On account of that, it looks like this will get worse before it gets better.

26 July 2014 at 11:54