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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger Sasha Melnik said...

Thank you for this wonderful post. It's formed a new sense in me which is that, the things outside of the physical world we live in, are actually far far greater than those within it. So much so that, I think I put it in another comment.. 'the physical is but a speck of sand.'

A saying I come back to again and again is the zoroastrian one - good thoughts, good words, good deeds.

Most people (and I did too, until recently) read this thinking the thoughts are the small part. The thoughts are the greatest part of all, the deeds are merely upon the grit of sand.

15 February 2021 at 22:45

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Doc - I am much better at knowing when I am Not doing primary thinking, than doing it; but I can sometimes trigger it, for a while, by a kind of meditative practice I have evolved.

@Sasha - You're welcome - I'm delighted to have provided what you currently needed.

15 February 2021 at 23:20