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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger MagnusStout said...

This post connects well with your thoughts on prayer ("Prayer works by love: love is that which is aligned-with God's motivation in creation. It is love that 'ensures' our prayer is aligned with the goodness of divine creation.").

There is an important video about mass psychosis circulating right now:

This focus on thinking (from what you call our "true self") is key to both how we got here and how we can get out.

Joost Meerloo, author of “Rape of the Mind,” compares the reactions of citizens living in totalitarian states to that of schizophrenics. Both rulers and the ruled are ill. Both live in a delusional fog, as the entire society and its rules are sustained by delusional thinking.

As noted in the video, only deluded people regress to a child-like state of total submissiveness, and only a deluded ruling class will believe they possess the knowledge and wisdom to control society in a top-down manner. And, only a deluded person will believe that a power-hungry elite ruling a mentally regressed society will result in anything but mass suffering and financial ruin.

21 August 2021 at 14:40

Blogger Doktor Jeep said...

The NPC meme was born of a study indicating estimates of up to 80 percent of people don't even have an internal dialog. Not even when they read.

21 August 2021 at 16:45

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@MS - The video is one of the half right but ultimately wrong things - from a secular libertarian source.

The organization is headed by Claire Fox who I used to know somewhat in my pre-Christian days when I published in LM magazine (which developed from Living Marxism) and their later Spiked Online, and I spoke at something she chaired at the Edinburgh Fringe (hazy memory). She is quite well known in the UK and speaks on BBC Radio's The Moral Maze.

Suffice to say she is not spiritual and not a Christian; and any explanation of our predicament that leaves-out these primary causes is going to be misleading.

I quite enjoy this stuff in smallish doses, but my enemy's enemy is not necessarily my friend.

21 August 2021 at 18:04

Blogger David Earle said...


I agree with this assessment. While everybody is tripping over each other trying to find worldly and global solutions to an other-wordly problem, while simultaneously incorrectly diagnosing the problem, the path forward is actually quite simple and personal.


The comments on that video are interesting. Lots of confusion and many of the commenters thinking the video is not about them but rather their supposed adversaries. "No YOU'RE the brainwashed one, not ME!"

I tend to believe the "brainwashed" ones are those that get their sense of reality from information that is delivered to them (eg, mass media, bureaucrats, corporations), rather than personal experience, primary thinking, intuition, discernment and common sense.

21 August 2021 at 18:21

Anonymous Nathanael said...

Nicely said Bruce. sharing this quote from RS.

"I ought not to expect that my thinking can give me knowledge of the truth, I ought rather solely to expect of my thinking that it shall educate me. It is of the utmost importance that we should develop in us this idea, namely, that our thinking educates us."

The World of the Senses and the World of the Spirit: Lecture II

23 August 2021 at 15:37