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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger Unknown said...

The issue of migrations from poorer countries to richer countries is a puzzling one and the only real answer I have for the US situation where the population has nearly doubled in the past 50 years (by and large from immigration) is this: Our economy being a service economy has an inexhaustible appetite for customers. I can see how this meshes with your observations about PC but for the daily lives of people here, it's a matter of customers. This doesn't dispute that the immigrants often do a tremendous amount of labor in the economy which is welcomed by those who like paying the low wages to them. It just adds the complexity that those Americans who don't actually make money from immigrants' labor benefit from selling them things and/or doing services for them (think of the hospitals who treat "illegal immigrants" and receive public monies for that or think of the huge cadre of government workers at every level whose jobs are more secure the more citizens there are.) As to why the "ruling elite" doesn't see the need to properly assimilate new citizens in a sustainable way, I think it's because they see themselves as above the fray and immune from any changes in the country, i.e., that they will always be at the top of society, no matter who is in the middle or at the bottom. Perhaps they have their wealth in international securities and truly feel safe no matter what sociodemographics prevail here.

22 January 2011 at 01:01

Anonymous rightsaidfred said...

Very good piece.

What I find troubling/interesting is that the working class built the ships, trains, planes, automobiles, and the attendant infrastructure that the PC elite now uses to import grief for that same working class.

Feeding the hand that bites you.

23 January 2011 at 05:36