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Anonymous JB said...

Interesting article. See Guenon on precisely this issue here:

20 July 2017 at 13:23

Anonymous Epimetheus said...

How interesting that spiritual corruption reaches even such a hidden and obscure part of society! And with such high organization and motivation, and in tandem with attacks in other areas...

20 July 2017 at 18:05

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@E - Indeed. For me, it is conisistent-with purposive supernatural strategising.

20 July 2017 at 18:37

Blogger Chiu ChunLing said...

Part of the problem is that the modern dependence on physics (or rather on technology, which is engineered through dependence on physics) makes it unworkable to present any metaphysics which would contradict existing physics, despite the fact that huge amounts of what now pass for that are entirely speculative and backed only by 'evidence' of being able to construct an explanation for observed phenomena after the fact rather than having predictive utility.

In the case of quantum mechanics, what is usefully predictive is the theory that all forms of energy are made up of quanta, packets of energy generally expressed as a wave or bond (or complex) of one of the fundamental forces, and that fundamental particles match the behavior expected of such quanta. Almost everything else which is 'studied' under that subject is speculation which produces no reliable predictions, only elaborate rationalizations.

Worse is the inclusion of all manner of other theory under the banner of 'science', greatly increasing the conclusions (many of them contradictory) which cannot be made untenable by a metaphysical foundation without that metaphysics being popularly condemned as "anti-science". This epithet is now very heavily used against those who identify Global Warming Alarmism as a politically motivated hoax and those who dispute the ever evolving denial that human sexuality is an innate biological trait that has survival value for the species and for human communities.

These latest excesses are merely the exaggerated results of a process that has been significantly present in the modern world since the point at which the average person was heavily dependent on modern technology they did not personally understand or know how to do without. For the modern, the claim that Global Warming Alarmists are defrauding the public is indistinguishable on the merits from the claim that their smartphone operates by releasing hallucinogens which make them imagine all of its functions occurring. But this has been the case since shortly after radios and other consumer electronics became commonplace. Indeed, the typical modern has no real idea how even an electrical motor works (while I believe there was a significant level of knowledge of internal combustion engines a generation ago, even that is beyond the comprehension of today's youth).

22 July 2017 at 20:29

Blogger Chiu ChunLing said...

The other side of the equation is that the rise of consumer technology has meant that the demand for competent engineers to design functioning devices is drawing on the pool of intuitive logical thinkers capable of engaging in metaphysics. One of the great problems of complex engineering (especially software creation) is that once the details of a project are beyond the grasp of any single engineer, you must create teams of engineers and have managers coordinate their activities. The high demand for engineers creates opportunities for those without the actual intuitive logical mental capability to obtain employment through the use of formal credentials, and the existence of teams of engineers makes it possible to hide their incompetence by shoving the work-load off onto the few competent engineers. The relative dearth of engineers means that the managers of teams of engineers are not themselves engineers, and thus have no way of reliably telling the contributing engineers from the free-riding fakes other than social cues and formal credentials. This becomes a self-perpetuating cycle because the existence of fake engineers increases the number of engineers necessary for a given complexity of project, further increasing the demand for engineers.

Meanwhile, the marketing of novelty as "cutting edge" technology (combined with bad IP laws) means that today's engineers are being continuously asked to reinvent the wheel. This increases the workload (and thus the demand) for engineers even further.

Even if average intellectual capacity weren't falling because of civilizational decadence, drawing so much of the available pool of intuitive logical thinkers off into an increasingly trivial and ephemeral pursuit (the demand for software engineers is vast, and mostly oriented towards entertainment) would obviously hinder the development of every other field that requires that kind of problem-solving intellect.

In other words, modernity rejected philosophy as a field worthy of the mental capabilities necessary to carry out metaphysics. And now those with that mental capacity are beginning to reject modernity.

22 July 2017 at 20:31

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@CC - Interesting insights. I think the main problem is deep and simple; as I tried to argued in Not Even Trying.

Modern culture has (increasing over the decades) discovered that in the short and medium term, the relebvant people can be persuaded that there has been technical advance when there is in fact decline. The loop has been substantially closed.

Also, failure is excused as progress - so slow, expensive, ugly, wasteful and ineffective projects are positively spun as progress in being environmentally-friendly.

I have also seen this cultural focus on software - a pouring of ever more scarce creative and developmental resources into ever slower developments in entertainment, lifestyle and distraction (and population surveillance, obviously).

23 July 2017 at 07:39

Blogger Chiu ChunLing said...

I'm sure that there have always been snake oil salesmen and outright con-men. But certainly the modern combination of vast wealth generated by former generations and the systematic dis-education of the general populace has created a rather extreme opportunity for such.

There are in fact areas where things are improving, for example the density of integrated circuits, and the heavy reliance on these economies does lend credence to the illusion of overall progress.

But the really essential task is not to make faster digital information processors (or whatever) but to retain and transmit spiritual awareness and a sense of responsibility for our eternal destiny as individuals and as a people. It is because we lead lives worthy of living that we begin to value the potential inherent in others' lives, which is why we begin the project of helping others to live, expanding to build a civilization in which the hardships of life in a natural environment are alleviated, serving as the basis for technological advances being promulgated and widespread. Having advanced technology doesn't make or keep us civilized, living in large cities doesn't cause us to value other's lives or seek the real meaning of our own.

We haven't just put the cart before the horse, we've fed the cart the horse's grain in the conviction that it can move on its own, dragging the starving horse along.

23 July 2017 at 23:37

Blogger lgude said...

I am aware of one 20th century exception in philosophy - Robert Pirsig - who talked both about direct knowing and argued against what he called the subject object metaphysics of Western Culture. He speaks of the central role of the former in Zen an the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance and the second quite systematically in Lila. Of course he was entirely rejected by the academic establishment for much the reasons you observe. In that he is a genuine successor to the premodern philosophers which still interest ordinary people. He knew what he was doing - he put his philosophy in the form of novels.

24 July 2017 at 07:40

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

I've written about Pirsig on this blog, if you do a word search...

24 July 2017 at 08:49