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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger No Longer Reading said...

When you mention motivation for religion in terms of its effect on civilization, I almost wonder if that is a consequence of modern people's spiritual insensitivity.

Far less of us now can see the spiritual need for religion in the way that people of the past could just perceive it. But what we can see is the civilizational effects.

That's why things in the past never got to this point. A stitch in time saves nine and they knew to stitch when things were fraying and before they ripped.

27 November 2023 at 19:21

Blogger Francis Berger said...

Great post!

Well, if it's any consolation, I have been a Christian, of the cultural variety, since I was infant, but that did not (thankfully) spare me from a process similar to the one you have experienced.

Though I have been a Christian my whole life, I did not really "become" a Christian until I was in my late-thirties/early forties. That was when discovered -- for myself -- what being a Christian meant. And that was when I made that active choice.

27 November 2023 at 20:46

Blogger The Anti-Gnostic said...

When I was 6 years old my parents showed my sister and I a tract in comic form explaining the Christian plan of salvation and led us in a prayer at the end. We had been baptized Episcopalian but my parents then became full-blown protestants, chasing idiosyncratic doctrine. I persisted in this state until college, becoming an atheistic contrarian, then got engaged and my spouse and I determined (correctly I believe) that we and any future children needed a religious praxis and chose the Episcopal sect for any future children (one).

Then got divorced and thought OK this is really it: Orthodoxy! That didn't pan out for numerous reasons I won't go into, some personal, some institutional and theological.

My motivation all along was questing for universal Truth, which I do not think is fully discernable by mortal humans. I believe in the Divine but after that I really do not know and would no longer presume to say. I can discern what enables human and individual thriving and have strong opinions on that! I appreciate Bruce's and Francis's explorations in this strange world we now find ourselves in after the full and final death (there really is no other term) of Christendom by 1945 A.D. (And note that we are no longer supposed to say, "A.D." This is a tidal shift.)

28 November 2023 at 02:01

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@NLR - re spiritual insensitivity. This is certainly a factor, at least when compared the kind of spiritual sensitivity of the past with how people are now. But I wonder if we are not looking in the wrong place - and that modern people may be spiritually sensitive in different ways; but fail to recognize it, and deny it when it happens.

28 November 2023 at 20:50