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Anonymous Wm Jas said...

I also put off reading Pascal for a long time because I knew him only by his "wager" and was not impressed. In case the same is true of others, let me say that, despite the regrettable wager (and even some aspects of that are salvageable), Pensees is a singularly powerful and thought-provoking book which most everyone ought to read.

Letting the wager put you off reading Pascal would be like giving Shakespeare a miss because you've heard of his painfully unfunny clown scenes.

(But, lest Bruce start getting used to these positive comments, let me also say that the wager does not work because it is a bad argument. No pre-immunization by modernity is required in order to see that.)

15 December 2011 at 01:18

Anonymous Penda said...

Related to Pascal, I want to thank you for mentioning Kreeft's book on Pascal. I'm reading through it and it's very strong.

The window of liberal Christianity is rapidly closing, I think. Perhaps that statement is colored by my youth and upbringing in a very secular culture, but for me and I believe much of my generation, there seems to be no point in liberal Christianity.

It's still hard for me to understand what the purpose of the exercise of liberal Christianity is for older thinkers, or the numerically large remnants in liberal churches. For example, trudging through Barth, or Kung.

16 December 2011 at 16:52

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Penda - I don't think I ever blogged on my close encounter with (extreme) Liberal Christianity in the mid 1980s.

I read Kung, and most of Don Cupitt, and people like Wittgenstein and Heidegger, and quite a few articles and books by Dominicans, a book about Roman Catholicism by Roderick Strange, various things on monasticism...

I think I went to some church services (mostly Evensong; but not mass/ Holy Communion, because I was not confirmed), I prayed for while too - and found myself unmoved.

As you say, Liberal Christianity (no miracles, Jesus as proto-socialist moral teacher etc) didn't add anything to secular Leftism - and was indeed explicitly a kind of attempted self-delusion, that unsurprisingly did not work.

16 December 2011 at 17:23