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Blogger Francis Berger said...

This is a timely post for me. A veritable wake up call. I was slowly falling under the impression that the essence of Christianity had more to do with perpetually grappling with infinity or some such thing.

26 February 2022 at 19:00

Blogger Maolsheachlann said...

Last week I went to a debate in University College Dublin (where I work) on whether the decline of Christianity in Ireland was a good thing. Anyone interested can read a fuller account of it on my blog Irish Papist. Anyway, the students were all overwhelmingly anti-Catholic, including the trio who were arguing for the motion pro forma. I was the only person who voted for the proposition. And the criticisms they made of Catholicism, aside from the child sex abuse scandals perhaps, could apply to any traditional Christian denomination.

But the funny thing was that two or three students mentioned that they still hope for an afterlife.

27 February 2022 at 14:51

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@M -

I appreciate the deep historical irony of the venue of 'debate' being UCD, of all places.

I wonder what the two or three meant by it? There are quite a few New Age people (of various kinds) who hope for/ believe in other forms of afterlife than the Christian. For example reincarnation, or 'Nirvana'-type persistence as a blissful spirit absorbed into the universal divine.

27 February 2022 at 16:20

Blogger Maolsheachlann said...

I'm not taking a cheap swipe when I say that I doubt these kids had really thought it through all that much. It was just a vague hope for some kind of personal survival after death, as far as I could tell. One of them also said he found it hard to imagine he could stop existing-- I think George Orwell said something similar in the days before his own death.

Human beings do seem to need a future of some kind to aspire towards. If the human race became completely sterile overnight, as in some dystopian fictions, I'm sure we would all be overwhelmed with the sense of absurdity.

27 February 2022 at 16:32

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

"Human beings do seem to need a future of some kind to aspire towards."

I agree - indeed, from what I have read, almost everybody in all human societies has always believed that death was Not the end until the modern period; but there was wide disagreement over what persisted and in what situation.

The mainstream modern belief in annihilation at biological death represents the deletion of a natural and spontaneous human expectation, and seems to contribute towards a distorted and pathological consciousness in modern Men - which, once established, is self-reinforcing and difficult to shift (as I know from personal experience).

27 February 2022 at 16:39

Blogger No Longer Reading said...

Good post. Concrete examples like this are helpful.

27 February 2022 at 17:15

Anonymous Lady Mermaid said...

This is so beautiful. The most profound truth is so simple despite our efforts to complicate it.

27 February 2022 at 17:50

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was very touching. Thanks for sharing.

28 February 2022 at 00:15