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Anonymous Hoyos said...

Marvelous, here in America the main church body for episcopalians would seize the church building and kick the congregation out.

I always thought it bizarre, you can be wobbly on the deity of Christ (and any one of the 39 articles really) but you had better be dead certain on sodomy not being a sin to stay in good standing.

16 May 2017 at 11:19

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Hoyos - Nationalism is also forbidden among CoE clergy, on theologically nonsensical grounds - -

By contrast, Communism (that atheist totalitarian ideology which has suppressed and exterminated Christians wherever it got power, and also slaughtered c 100 million people and rising) is not merely tolerated, but has for decades been approved-of.

I recall a sermon I attended in Durham Cathedral, from David Jenkins the Bishop of Durham - Durham being number three in the CoE hierarchy after Canterbury and York, thirty years ago; expressing nothing but positivity for Marxism.

Jenkins denied the reality of the virgin birth and the resurrection of Jesus - so politics has been pushing-out Christianity from the CoE for a long time already.

There is a huge amount of ground to make up - and the real Christains are in such a small minority among the CoE leadership that turning-around the organisation seems inconceivable.

However the conservative Anglican churches are growing, whereas the remainder of the CoE is collapsing at an accelerating rate; so the situation is not utterly hopeless; so long as the conservatives can obtain sufficient institutional autonomy - and that means *bishops*, first and foremost.

16 May 2017 at 11:40