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Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@NF - wrt Free Will, I have explained several times on this blog, on posts where you have commented, that science cannot refute Free Will, cannot discover that free Will does not exist or is an illusion, because science is set-up such that free will is already excluded, excluded a priori.

Science is a subject that has no place of Free Will, the assumption is built in that Free Will is not-part-of-science, not an explanation that science can consider.

This is not a problem - all subjects are constructed on the basis of inclusion/ exclusion criteria - but it sets a limit on what science can and cannot discover - science cannot discover, or measure, anything which science has excluded. God is another thing.

Free Will is as real as anything can be to us, realer than any 'science' or any other kind of 'evidence' - it is primary experience.

If we nevertheless choose to deny its reality, the psychological, existential, consequences are very serious, very damaging - because when Free Will is rejected, so necessarily is almost everything else - we become uncertain about everything: solipsism, then nihilism become almost inevitable.

31 December 2014 at 15:24