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Blogger William Wildblood said...

There is going to be one test after another. We have to see every big event in the world as a spiritual test that examines where our loyalties truly lie, with God or something in this world and that something may even be a Church. At the same time we must retain a sense of balance and not become contrary just for the sake of it. A difficult path to tread but that is the point of the present times when the heart is examined.

14 March 2022 at 10:26

Anonymous Ann K. said...

Our only hope is to live as Orthodox Christians in every sense, as did the Russian catacomb saints of eighty or so years ago. It can be done, God willing!

14 March 2022 at 11:26

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Ann - I know that book, at it is well worth looking through.

@William - In a strange way this is almost a time where what you understand and know, is more important than what you do; in the sense that too many people are too keen on 'doing good' and 'making the world a better place' without troubling to know (discern) good in the first place. And so they end up doing evil - in the sense of actively assisting in the strategy of evil.

14 March 2022 at 12:03

Blogger Crosbie said...

*Can* a man be primarily loyal to an institution, or can we fundamentally only be loyal to living beings? In the second case, loyalty to an institution would always be mediated through an actual person (My uncle reads The Guardian, so I can trust The Guardian; my neighbors go to church, so I can trust the church) If this is so, there is some worldly hope because people change. If on he other hand a man can *truly* believe an institution, essentially a legal fiction, over living beings it seems there is no limit to the evil he might believe. I can't tell which is the case.

14 March 2022 at 14:04

Blogger James Higham said...

The only edit I'd suggest, Dr. Bruce, is that we're talking Churches here, organised by man, as distinct from the church of Christian souls worldwide.

17 March 2022 at 07:20

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@James - Yes; and also assumed is that these two concepts of Christian churches need to be distinguished - because currently there isn't much overlap between the 'churches of man' and the 'mystical church''.

17 March 2022 at 08:22