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Blogger Chiu ChunLing said...

Fundamentally, everything about sex must be understood in terms of procreation.

The Christian view of God, in which the divine attributes and relationship are expressed in terms of Father and Son, makes the issue of procreation one of profound spiritual importance.

Simply put, it is through sex that we were made sons and daughters and may become fathers and mothers. Therefore our sexual behavior must not be separated from our Christian ideals of what children and parents should be. We must also come to terms with the spiritual implications and lessons contained in the profound differences between men and women.

Do we carelessly sacrifice the future happiness of our children for momentary personal gratification? Or even taking their future seriously, do we see them as other than our own kin? C.S. Lewis examines this profound difference between seeing our posterity as moral beings like ourselves and reducing them to bipedal chattel used to further some other end in The Abolition of Man. Our sexual behavior is the first step in how we decide what relationship we will have with our children.

All to often, it is the final step as well, given the carnal impulses of man.

19 June 2018 at 04:59

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...


"Fundamentally, everything about sex must be understood in terms of procreation."

That isn't true overall (it's too reductionist, at least to the modern mind) - the reality is much more along the lines that sex (as a plain fact of reality) cannot-be-separated-from the rest of life, nor from divine destiny.

But equally, as a plain fact of mortal existence, and given the importance of sex; almost everyone is a recidivist sexual sinner - which means that everyone needs often to repent - and in public life repentance manifests in the fact that we ought not to pretend that sin is not-sin.

Yet, as CS Lewis once wrote (I cannot recall exactly where), sexual sins are not the worst sins in and of themselves - but they get, and need, disproportionate attention from modern Christians, precisely because their simfulness is denied in mainstream culutre - indeed, since the death of CSL, mortal inversion is now mandatory in many areas of sexual ethics.

But in a sane society, sexuality would have a much lower profile in Christian discourse. The centrality of sex - such that the two dominant, litmus test issues in recent church Christianity are both caused by the sexual revolution - is an unavoidable response to modernity rather than an essential feature of Christianity.

The worst sins, such as pride and resentment, may indeed be stronger and more prevalent among modern Christians - at a personal level. Yet, so long as these sins are repented (ie recognised as being sins) - this quantitative difference does not affect salvation.

By contrat, even the mildest sin un-repented (i.e. its sinful nature denied) can become a cause of self-damnation; choosing against God - as Lewis showed in his superb, underrated, the Great Divorce, where we see how clinging to a tiny but beloved sin can plausibly lead to the rejection of Heaven.

19 June 2018 at 07:25

Blogger Theramster said...

..and procreation cannot be dissociated from mutuality, companionship and union. Sexuality has the potential, often never actualized due to sin, of being a true vivid fulfilling inter-personal Icon of the most sublime reality of the only triune God and the ultimate destiny of redeemed humanity God-in-flesh (Christ)and His Bride.

Trashing sexuality is the sign of a wasteland of humanity because it's a litmus test of the health of a society and how much of man's potential has been achieved.

May the Lord grant us to fulfill this Image of God in us personally and inter-personally.

19 June 2018 at 14:22

Blogger Chiu ChunLing said...

I do not believe that the centrality of sex is an accident of sexual sin being more rampant in this era. I believe that the true importance of procreation is slighted precisely because, in the current climate, the righteous are (quite properly, often) embarrassed to have to talk about a subject that is so rife with filthy associations.

I say that sex must be understood in terms of procreation to avoid the all too possible errors of thinking of it as mere reproduction (the base carnal sort) or even worse, artificial manufacturing. Of course, much of the post-modern confusion evinces a complete lack of anything that should be dignified as "thought" at all, and this is also applied to discussion about sexuality.

I am very much convinced that the most certain and accessible path to understanding and loving God has always been the natural family, produced by the ordinate sexual relationship. Without it, something like baptism would be a meaningless ordinance stripped of the main part of its meaning. If we fail to understand sexuality properly, correct baptism becomes impossible.

The same is true of other saving doctrines and scriptures. But the point I'm making is that sex is so central to salvation that baptism (generally regarded as a fundamental ordinance) has to be considered dependent on it (or more precisely, on that form of ordained sex that we call marriage) to have any meaning.

19 June 2018 at 17:15

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@TNP - One of the most vital contributions of Mormonism has been in bringing to Christianity a much larger, more expansive vision of the nature and relationship of men and women, the nature and purpose of marriage and children - all of which are given an eternal scope and a divinely creative potential.

@CCL - "the most certain and accessible path to understanding and loving God has always been the natural family, produced by the ordinate sexual relationship." - I agree: the family is both a picture and fact of the fundamental basis and purpose of divine creation.

19 June 2018 at 17:40