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Anonymous Jack Jones said...

Astoundingly, synchronistically, I've just awakened from a dream about the after-life. I usually don't speak about such things until I've had a chance to reflect upon them and am capable of properly articulating them but here it is:

I have died from low blood sugar*. This doesn't upset me. There is profound joy and curiosity at my newfound state of being. The woman who has discovered my corpse calls my mom who is upset, weeping. My mom's voice cracks with grief over the phone. I feel her grief in my heart. I spend some time getting used to my new post-mortal state and it's powers. Anything I wish to know I simply know. I can see anything from any time or place. There are more powers besides but they are increasingly subtle, at the periphery of my awareness. It occurs to me that there is "another level" here in the after-life that I have yet to attain to. There is further development.There are other souls with me here. I talk to a soul who had been a black fellow while incarnate (all the souls here are human in appearance).

Souls here are capable of perceiving the mortal world, interacting with it. In fact, there is an intimate connection to the world of the living. Suddenly, my mom is here. We talk about my siblings/her children. I ask her when my brother John is going to die. We look and see that he will perish at age 57, quite a long ways off.**

*The look on my corpse's face was one of sublimity, innocence. The were eyes wide open. Last night I read an essay by Jung wherein he wrote something about his the look of profundity upon his sister's face before she died so I am almost certain that passage influenced this dream.

**There are more details that I'm leaving out for the sake of brevity and because I can't properly articulate them ATM.

25 March 2024 at 15:17

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Jack - This does not affect the content of your dream, but I believe that the structure of reality entails that the time of death of a Being is not *knowable* in advance: it's just not that kind of universe.

When reality consists of living Beings - advance knowledge of that kind isn't a thing. More or less good predictions of a possible futures: yes. Prevision of the (already existing) future: no.

25 March 2024 at 16:28

Anonymous Jack Jones said...

My OP was written "in the heat of the moment" as it were and I should add that I make no assertion that my dream reveals anything about the true nature of the after-life nor that it contains any genuine prophecy of any future event.

I had been awake from the dream about 5 minutes before I felt the urge (inspiration?) to check out Synlogos and there found your post. Seeing that the post was about Jesus explaining the after-life in the Gospel of John and my dream featured myself in the after-life looking at my brother John I felt it was appropriate to share said dream.

Btw, I checked John 5:7 and it's about the man sick for 38 years lying by the Pool of Bethesda longing for healing. Although I'm certain you knew that as you're something of a 4th Gospel expert.

25 March 2024 at 18:20