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Blogger sykes.1 said...

Isn't the return to tradition actually happening? The most radical Social Justice churches (Anglican, Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian) are plaining dying as Christians abandon them. Even the Catholic Church lost some two-thirds to three-quarters of its adherents because of Vatican II excesses.

The Catholic Church shows signs of recovery under its traditionalist popes, and more consistently traditional churches like the Eastern Orthodox and Southern Baptists seem to be growing. So maybe we are merely at a low point and recovery will soon begin.

By the way, your point about rejecting all of the socialist agenda of the last 200 years is well made. In American terms, this means rejecting all the Constitution Amendments and interpretations after the 12th.

28 August 2012 at 13:09

Blogger PatrickH said...

Undo all of the concessions, including the abolition of slavery?

28 August 2012 at 14:42

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@PH search this blog for "slavery" and you will see the arguments

28 August 2012 at 16:34

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@s1. I'm afraid I dont see any sign of revival in the West

28 August 2012 at 16:37

Blogger Wurmbrand said...

It would be interesting to see an identification of the historical point(s) at which this "hot button" business starts (although I am not sure it is the best approach for talking about the perennial warfare between the Church and the world).

But for the sake of discussion -- I think even Christians who see themselves as conservative or even reactionary might differ on this.

For some, the business might start with 19th-century (I believe) controversies about divorce. It seems to me that, in England, up until that century divorce was basically not available to commoners. But in that century it seems there was open controversy about the matter. I believe that the practice of the C of E was actually unbiblically restrictive, compelling women to remain married to unfaithful husbands and so on.

If divorce isn't regarded as the first outstanding "hot button" conflict, would it then be with regard to contraception? Is the reactionary view that all forms of contraception are sinful?

28 August 2012 at 17:45

Anonymous JP said...

Sykes said,

"Even the Catholic Church lost some two-thirds to three-quarters of its adherents because of Vatican II excesses.

The Catholic Church shows signs of recovery under its traditionalist popes..."

Who are those traditionalist popes who have produced the recovery from Vatican II? Certainly these traditionalists cannot be the four subsequent popes who were part of Vatican II -- Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II, and Benedict XVI - least of all the latter two.

28 August 2012 at 18:36

Blogger James Higham said...

Yep - it sounds fundamentalist to say it but there really are tares, false prophets and they can only really flourish in hierarchies, where their word can become akin to gospel in the minds of those who don't stick to the Word.

29 August 2012 at 08:42

Blogger jgress said...

Bear with me as I play devil's advocate here. To what I'm about to say, I sincerely hope that you have a good answer, since I would like to be convinced that I am wrong about this, but am not yet persuaded.

Let's trace the path of these revolutionary new ideas. Why did secular historical scholarship defeat traditional scriptural exegesis? Presumably because it's better to tell the truth than to lie, and if our own observations and powers of reasoning demonstrate to us that the Bible is historically inaccurate in this or that matter, isn't it better to admit as much, rather than engage in "pious fraud"?

The same goes for natural selection and creation. When our own investigations prove beyond reasonable doubt that the earth is several orders of magnitude older than the Biblical chronology has us believe, and that the fossil record indubitably proves that more complex organisms have evolved from simpler ones over the eons, are we not compelled by our love of the truth to acknowledge this, rather than engage in self-deception out of a misguided zeal for faith?

As for abolition of slavery, pacifism and socialism, all three have roots in Christian ethics. As Christians, we are not permitted to lord it over others; we are commanded to be meek and peaceable; we are enjoined to surrender our possessions to the poor.

Finally, we get to the sexual revolution. Here it is harder to argue that the sources of this revolution can be found in Christian teaching, which is firmly on the side of chastity and self-restraint. However, we only need to re-frame the issues in order to find a Christian pretext for abandoning the traditional social order.

In particular, shifting the burden of proof grants easy victory to the Revolution. Why must we be chaste, or why must we enforce chastity on others? Answers to these questions always seem to require that traditional sexual mores be "self-evident", since otherwise there is no obvious ethical justification for them: fornication or "deviant" sexual behavior don't necessarily cause any physical or mental harm to either party. The danger of the argument from self-evidence, of course, is that your opponent need only object that it is not self-evident to him.

It used to be that sexual indiscretion came with tangible risks, such as unwanted pregnancy or disease, making abstinence the obvious self-interested choice. Nowadays, of course, these risks are mostly gone. In other respects, certain traditional sexual mores seem to be founded in medical ignorance, e.g. the belief that masturbation damages health, or that conception during menses weakens the health of the future child.

If it turns out that sexual abstinence harms oneself or others in some way, would we not be obligated to be unchaste? One can envision such possibilities, for example, if it turns out that regular masturbation reduces the risk of prostate cancer.

I suspect that in all cases there is some subtle aspect of moral reasoning that is lost in the discussion, but I am not sure what they are. One could, of course, simply flee from attempting to justify traditional morality by reasoned argument: "Tradition says so, and that's that." The problem is that, even if one could suppress one's own doubts indefinitely, there is no hope of winning over opponents without a decent argument.

1 September 2012 at 18:03

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@jgress - phew, you *are* mixed up!

My point is that on these issues tradition is clear; you need to ask if hundreds of years of Christians - including the holiest Christians ever to live - had got these fundamental matters wrong.

All the rest is hasty reasoning and insecure history and reversed cause and effect.

1 September 2012 at 18:15