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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger Ingemar said...

I agree Bruce. Christian marriage can only work if husband and wife hold themselves to a higher standard than the rest of the fallen world and if they eschew all the temptations and false promises the world offers.

29 May 2020 at 17:47

Anonymous Gary said...

This is of the highest importance. Considering that marriage is eternal, and thus of eternal significance, and thus of eternal cosmic significance, it is a deep error to entrust it to institutions which have proven themselves, objectively beyond any doubt, to be in thrall to the master whose prime aim, is precisely to ruin as far as possible, the harmonious and healthy development of that eternal cosmic divine relationship between beings.

A deep dive into understanding real Marriage is, and will become, a very big topic in the near future as more people (in general) slowly realise what you have succintly pointed out in this blog, and its implications.

29 May 2020 at 19:37