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Blogger Fo4Ho1 said...

Good luck. I'm not even there but am very angered and frustrated about your 'mess'.

It is absolutely amazing how your government can screw this up. reminiscant of 'repeal and replace' and 'build that wall'.

ah the ruling class.

22 March 2019 at 17:26

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@F - The Government didn't screw it up - the situation is deliberate. Brexit supporters knew that this kind of thing would happen, and its timing almost to the nearest day (in my family, we have been counting down to it!).

The incompetence isn't in the situation, but the failure to convince the Brexit supporting public thta it is anything other than a betrayal of duties and promises.

This situation was predicted - but what nobody knows is what will happen next. Things willnever be the same again - but in what particular way, I don't think anyone yet knows. Either the British people have been utterly beaten - and the rulers will know it, and can then do pretty much anything they want.

Or somehow, in some way, this will be the start of a very long 'war' of the native people against their government and rulers. Which would be something England hasn't seen for centuries.

22 March 2019 at 18:12

Blogger The Social Pathologist said...

Yep, this is the British Deep State deliberately trying to obscure the situation.

22 March 2019 at 20:54

Blogger Luther Burgsvik said...

If it is a long war as you suggest then it will be seriously complicated by the presence of a (growing) immigrant population in the country, whom the rulers seek to look favourably upon. Such a situation seems to be without an historical equivalent (*) which makes it difficult to foresee any kind of resolution.

(*) The closest equivalent that springs to mind is in Scotland during the Highland Clearances, when the Lords sought to replace men with sheep for purely monetary purposes (wool was more profitable than arable crops). But even then, the Scottish commoner wasn't despised by the Scottish Lords to the extent that the indigenous English are despised by the ruling class.

22 March 2019 at 21:48

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@LB - My main concern (in principle, when I remember) is spiritual - at present the British have surrendered-to, or actively embrace, evil (in the form of totalitarianism).

If we begin (in greater numbers - at present the numbers seems extremely small) to recognise and resist evil; then many more souls would be saved, lives made meaningful.

23 March 2019 at 06:43

Blogger Fo4Ho1 said...

Sorry Bruce, you are quite right, and I keep forgetting the war of the words. I, like many others, have to stop repeating the lies, such as 'they screwed it up, and state the truth as you did, 'they intentionally have put off Brexit with the intention of never implementing it'.

When I was there last, around 2005, and the one park square near our hotel that I hoped to use just to read a book was 'off-limits' except to muslims, and the day we walked over to harrahs and saw who dominates that scene, it really saddened me.

This is war. it didn't end in 1453 or at Vienna. And the ruling class is determined to abet in our destruction.

25 March 2019 at 02:11