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Anonymous alexi de sadesky said...

"Can we?" because if we can then we definitely should.

Really enjoying the blog. Thank you for your efforts, Mr Charlton.

11 February 2011 at 19:57

Blogger B322 said...

I've noticed this argument too. Most leftist arguments are about on that intellectual level (are "intellectual" and "scholarly" becoming opposites)?

Apologies for Islam usually take a similar form. Point out that the Koran explicitly demands that Muslims make war on kuffār and all you hear in reply is "Not all Muslims are like that." We are supposed to allow a group of people to attack us because some of them will sit out any given attack.

Another favorite squidink is alternating intentions with effects. "Affirmative action discriminates against white males." "Well, it's designed to remedy discrimination by white males." That pretty much ends the argument.

I'm glad you're writing; I'm glad someone is keeping an eye on the abuse of English in its place of origin. In the states we don't arrest schoolgirls for being so "racist" as to ask to sit at a desk where they speak English, but on the other hand, we can't really spell or make complete sentences either.

We'll all meet on an iceberg one day and decide if we should name it after T.H. White or E.B. White. The Once and Future Elements of Style.

- B Lode

11 February 2011 at 23:23