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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yet another instance of metaphysics avenging itself on sociology - or really, everyday life. Who says this stuff isn't important?

When you assume reality is homogeneous and modular underneath, when you decide there simply must be a certain type (or types - as long as they are actualized and discrete) of matter that composes everything through its accidental relationships, that warmed-over metaphysical atomism easily slides into utopian or meliorist politics, utilitarian or deontological ethics, structural economics (liberal or Marxist) and finally degrades into petty, self-blinding management. If everything amounts to rearranging deck chairs anyway, the only question is whether those deck chairs and their relations and the rearranging thereof are brute necessity, or whether we can move them according to our fancy.

Thankfully atomism is as discredited a philosophical school as there can be. People just need to wake up from the 17th Century. Whether they wake up in the 4th BC, the 13th or 21st - any would be an improvement.


29 October 2014 at 13:45

Anonymous Adam G. said...

Brilliant and ominous.

29 October 2014 at 13:58

Anonymous Paul said...

This was actually implemented at the University of North Carolina.

29 October 2014 at 14:56

Anonymous JP said...

It is very difficult to close down the whole system - not least because there will be a gap before a new system can be constructed. Meanwhile no government agencies, health care system, schools or colleges...

If they are not working anyway - not providing good government, good healing, or good education - then nothing is lost by closing them down.

"I can't get rid of the broken-down car in my driveway! How will I be able to drive without it?"

29 October 2014 at 17:33

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Paul - It's a particularly good model for highly selective institutions - because the people they accept will do well on graduation even when/ even though they learn nothing at all. The process could be disguised by allowing some high profile authors to call themselves Professor and give a few well publicised public lectures. Everybody will assume that some students, somewhere, are doing courses with, or being supervised by, these superstar big name Profs, but nobody actually is.

29 October 2014 at 18:31

Blogger Thordaddy said...

Dr. Charlton...

Writing of synchronicity, I was just pondering this morning on how the definition of technology, liberated to suit current whim, should come to be defined as the means by which modern school is made obsolete. And then it occurred to me that the idealization of A.I. is the drive to make obsolete the human teacher.

29 October 2014 at 20:46