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Anonymous tgj said...

It is interesting that God chose to provide, as one of the key elements of salvation, his actual body and blood for us to eat and drink. Obviously He could have done it some other way, so why that way?

Personally, I think the reason is similar to the reason why He chose to Incarnate in the form of an ordinary human being. It has a lot to do with meeting us where we are, which is to say, in our fallen state. Love is probably the most powerful spiritual force, and therefore the most powerful driver of our actions. As fallen beings, our love is also fallen. And my observation and experience is that fallen human love progressively seeks to grasp, hold, play with, control, possess, torture, dismember, and consume its objects, without exception. I think the main reason this isn't more obvious is that we usually split our love over many different things, most of which don't object to being consumed.

Just as the death of God was the end of death, so the love of God is end of love as we know it, and the replacement of it with its non-fallen original can take place.

There is an Orthodox story about a priest who was plagued by doubts about whether the eucharist bread and the wine was the real body and blood of Christ. He prayed about it, and the lamb (eucharist loaf) disappeared from the alter, the Mother of God appeared to him with the infant Christ in her arms, explained that it really was His body and his blood, placed the Divine child on the alter, and disappeared. The priest prayed for forgiveness, and asked that he be allowed to cut the lamb in the form of bread and not in the form of an infant. His request was granted. He who shows mercy will be granted mercy when he asks....

16 January 2013 at 03:11

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@tgj - What a strange and memorable story...

16 January 2013 at 05:09