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Blogger AdamW said...

The evolution of consciousness occurs that we might come closer to God.
Reincarnation's a funny one. There's a bit in one of the letters (can't remember where) about how our Heavenly body will be so unlike this earthly body we can't comprehend it. And looking the other way, there's the idea (I forget the word for it!) that, with hindsight, there are numerous appearances of Christ in the Old Testament. Melchizedek springs to mind in relation to this.

22 April 2016 at 09:10

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@AdamW - That is the evolution of each person's individual consciousness throughout existence; but what I was meaning in this post was the idea (from Rudolf Steiner and Owen Barfield) that the history of human consciousness in relation to earth goes through evolutionary stages.

22 April 2016 at 10:33

Blogger AdamW said...

I mean 'we' meaning humanity as a whole. But I think I see your point: what about the individual people who lived before Christ and the subsequent transformation of consciousness? As I understand it, the idea is that the action of Christ has a retrospective character, opening the gates of Sheol, and also that the eternal Life has a timeless character... he IS the God of Abraham etc. So why bother with the process? Well, that's a question which goes back to Genesis. I tend to favour the 'creation is ongoing' understanding.

22 April 2016 at 14:18