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Blogger Chiu ChunLing said...

It's important to note how the ability of parasites to migrate to new hosts is crucial to the development of super-parasites, those which compromise the health of the host so badly as to render it incapable of continuing to sustain them.

This is also a factor in disease epidemiology. So there can be useful parallels.

The point is that long term loyalty and contribution to a given socio-economic entity is a traditional (anti-cosmopolitan) virtue which takes a number of names, depending on the type and scale of socio-economic entity. We laud the idea of a family-run business because it has the implication of permanent allegiance rather than because we think that people working for other businesses don't have or value families (well, maybe we don't always think that they do, though). Patriotism used to be an important element in selecting people for national office, lifelong participation in a given religious community used to be an important criteria for leading a church, a long position in the stocks of a company used to be an important factor in being allowed to make crucial decisions about corporate goals and methods.

These "hidebound" ideas of restricting influence to those who had a natural correlated interest really did help to prevent parasitic behavior. One thinks of the mytochondria of modern eukaryotes. They are symbiotic precisely because they cannot simply migrate to a new cell if their current cell dies. Conversely, viral bodies hijack and eventually destroy a cell because they can go out and infect others.

1 June 2018 at 16:56

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@CCL - Good points.

2 June 2018 at 06:13