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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Anonymous Thrasymachus said...

The Catholic Church, or the greater part of its membership seems to have been wrapped up in progressive politics for many decades. It has only ever been anti-communist to the extent communists suppressed the church. Otherwise- liberation theology! Communism for everyone!

And yet the Gospels of Matthew and Luke seem to be pretty well progressive- or at least the progressive reading of them is not prima facie wrong. Pacifism, the poor come first, etc. Was Jesus a liberal?

25 February 2012 at 07:04

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Th - "And yet the Gospels of Matthew and Luke seem to be pretty well progressive- or at least the progressive reading of them is not prima facie wrong. Pacifism, the poor come first, etc. Was Jesus a liberal? "

I guess you're joking, winding me up - yes?

But it is a common fallacy in these ignorant and arrogant times - the extraordinary notion that for more than 1800 years the Apostles, Holy Fathers and Saints all failed to notice what modern society - in all its worldliness and hedonism - clearly perceives: that Christianity is *really* all about coercive extraction and state distribution of resources... (irony alert).

25 February 2012 at 08:05

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Depressing. Enough said.


25 February 2012 at 20:17

Blogger Gyan said...

On the contrary, the Catholic Church is the leading force against Left and has never compromised with the Left agenda.

But it does not agree that any criticism of the dogma of Adam Smith and von Mises is illegitimate.

28 February 2012 at 07:21