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Blogger William Wildblood said...

This makes a lot of sense to me. It falls in with the idea of woman as muse and exposes the tragedy of feminism which has the effect of deadening women to their proper receptivity and so sidetracking them from their true role.

12 August 2016 at 18:59

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@William - The book had, for me, several very interesting and probably useful ideas. One section discusses how it is that women are not necessary to most traditional societies - pre-Christian, and the religions that have reverted to pre-Christian thought forms. Men can and generally do run the religions and societies without any significant input from women. (Of course, women have a biological and social role - but not at the religious level).

Steiner, and Falukener Jones,regard the life and death of Christ as having begun a new era in which it was intended that women have a crucial role of a complementary kind, necessary as spiritual evolution moves to a higher (more divine) level. Clearly this has not happened in the intended way on most of the world - either the spiritual life is almost extinct, women remain uninvolved, or women are being put into men's roles - but almost never what is required.

The problem would appear to be that our modern mindset is bureaucratic, and makes a false equation between bureaucratic system and reality. The Soul (womens' role) cannot, even in principle, be made bureaucratic - but in fact neither can anything else (men's role); so the whole reality (males and female) is destroyed while the superficial names are retained, and a false picture of sexual equality manufactured.

It seems probable that the womens' spiritual and Christian role is supposed to be exercised in a far more diffuse and 'capillary' level, in and via the family; and sustained not by formal and explicit organisation but informal relatinoship networks.

13 August 2016 at 07:00

Blogger blogNATHI said...

Ah. But it's the very means though which evil appropriates good, the reason why the symbols of the goddess in the old mystery cults, the moon and the venus, were appropriated by the religion no one likes to mention on this blog, in the first place. It's the soul forces that are stolen and turned away from the direction of light. The left is nothing but the fallen feminine, the stolen child. This writer is amazing is her eloquence, rare indeed. I find it much easier and obvious to identify the ways in which the natural feminine within men is being so distorted: the right to earn social status (based on Good values) and lead, the right to create security, to provide and protect. All debased by the attack on the feminine-soul forces within him, and all of which need to be functioning in their natural state, the way they were designed, in order to be transmuted into greater things.

10 September 2016 at 21:54

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Sally - Thank for your comment/s. Since I blog under my real name and address, and I live in a nation subjected to totalitarian ideological laws - aggressively enforced - there are subjects to which I refer indirectly in my postings; and I hold commenters to the same standard.

11 September 2016 at 06:35