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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger Geraint Apted said...


“A rigid definition is hardly possible, but still a single conception is actually present in almost every case where “grace” is found [in the New Testament] — the conception that all a Christian has or is, is centred exclusively in God and Christ, and depends utterly on God through Christ. The kingdom of heaven is reserved for those who become as little children, for those who look to their Father in loving confidence for every benefit, whether it be for the pardon so freely given, or for the strength that comes from Him who works in them both to will and to do.”

Burton Scott Easton (1877–1950)

An Episcopalian seminary professor and NT scholar

11 December 2015 at 19:18

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stephen C said - Speaking as one of your readers who is old enough or unhealthy enough to feel as if the rest of my life will possibly be spent as a very humble mortal uncomfortably, at best, standing on or near the shores of the divine ocean of eternity, I can only say this is one of your posts that have spoken most to me. But I really think and hope that I will one day in the future understand that, when all is said and done, it had been, as a matter of fact, easy to follow Christ, and it was meant to be easy. If I will - God forbid - have chosen not to do that, it was not because I rejected something difficult.

12 December 2015 at 02:58

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Stephen - Thank you.

My own perspective is not so different from that which you describe, since I have multiple chronic illnesses/ symptoms that impair functionality.

For me, the subject of this post is about following the implications that God is our loving Father, and understanding what that *primary fact* means for our basic situation.

Understanding the implications of that basic Christian assumption was something that William Arkle spent an intense lifetime exploring, and attempting (not always very successfully) to communicate.

12 December 2015 at 07:46