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Blogger William Wildblood said...

A brilliant insight. We often like to think that if we get to heaven the whole person gets to heaven but that is clearly impossible. So we may get resurrected but more or less of us gets resurrected depending on the parts that love and the parts that resent. Unfortunately, resentment is often seen (by the resenter at least) as a kind of virtue either because we are not allowing ourselves to be fooled or to be weak or because we are sticking to our guns and therefore it's seen as a kind of integrity. Nothing could be further from the truth. Forgiveness operates as spiritual anti-gravity in that it releases us from the pull of earthly matter.

Now, note to self. Practice what you preach!

20 March 2022 at 16:08

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@William. Thanks!

As well as anti-individual resentment; it is surely significant that 'the left' has become more and more focused on building resentment-based movements as it became more wholly-evil. Nowadays, large numbers of people define-themselves in such terms, sometimes several at once; and thereby regard resentment as a virtue.

It used to be that English people were - for all our many other faults! - notably free from this kind of identity-resentment; but that has changed. Socialism, feminism, antiracism, sexual identity have found many converts who nurse their resentment, and make it self-definitional...

The backlash against Brexit revealed that a significant minority of the English have even developed a resentment against themselves!

20 March 2022 at 16:23

Blogger Phil said...

"resentment against ourselves", eh?
I was thinking as I read this that while I tried to forgive what I see around us, I also have a lot of resentment against myself for various failings. This tends towards feelings of despair and hopelessness - a very bad combination. Forgiving oneself can be a cliche, but I think it applies here. In light of what you say, it is very important, too. Self respect - done correctly, as opposed to pride - is part of the answer, I'm sure. At any rate, this is well worth thinking about.

20 March 2022 at 20:39

Blogger BSRK Aditya said...

One can tackle resentment by applying love (rather than generating love).

21 March 2022 at 02:38

Blogger David Earle said...

This speaks volumes.

If you identify with your resentments, then you are engaged in an anti-theosis process of developing all the wrong aspects of yourself.

"A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another."

If you make love your core value, rather than pride, resentment or other negative-identities, then you avoid wasting time on that which must eventually be discarded or grown-out-of.

21 March 2022 at 13:15

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@David - I think it is important that Christians develop an explanation for forgiveness that is better (and truer) than the 'usual' one; which is along the lines that God will not forgive us unless we have already forgiven everyone. As if we 'bought' our own forgiveness from God. This common scheme gives a false impression of God's nature, and so may be harmful to believe.

21 March 2022 at 13:31

Blogger Lucinda said...

I was thinking about how different I would feel about it if I made a robot who disobeyed, versus a child who disobeys. In the first case, I'd be frustrated with myself. In the second case, I'd hope they can learn, especially that they choose their future, proximate and long-term. In the case of a grown-child, I can see myself being glad my child had a willingness to have personal responsibility.

This is true for forgiveness too. It's not so much that anyone, even God, needs a person to forgive, but that a person can choose what he becomes, whether a victim in his story or something better.

For many people, forgiveness seems bound up with unhealthy "obedience" ideas that make it hard to own one's own choices, which will always lead to resentment. If someone is feeling bullied by the idea that they should forgive, they probably are not thinking about it right. Unfortunately, there will always be those willing to make use of such situations.

21 March 2022 at 21:13

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Lucinda - I have *often* found it impossible to discuss a person's self-destructive resentment, because of his/her reaction - which can become very extreme, very quickly.

The resenter seems to interpret any attempt to help him/her as excusing the resented, or taking sides against the resenter. Especially when the resentment is socially sanctioned and supported (as with feminism, class or race resentment) one can make a lifelong enemy in a few seconds.

Resentment is a really deep and serious sin - yet how seldom recognized as such, how often praised as a virtue?

21 March 2022 at 22:04

Blogger Lucinda said...

"The resenter seems to interpret any attempt to help him/her as excusing the resented, or taking sides against the resenter."

This is one of the trickiest things to navigate with loved ones. Even saying nothing is interpreted as siding against the offended. Even worse is the proxy resentment many engage in as a matter of 'compassion'. We are expected to be proxy-resentful against straight white unpecked Fire-Nation men. There is some hope that someone suffering from a fairly simple personal resentment may see a personal gain from giving it up, forgiving. But when so many layers of 'compassion' resentments are built up and considered virtuous, the situation seems pretty dire.

I think because resentment is easy to experience as a virtue when it is carried by many.

23 March 2022 at 00:55