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Anonymous Tucker said...

Note: The key is not really to possess sweetness and strength - because to a considerable extent, these depend on how we are made - but to value sweetness and strength.

Brilliant insight; similar to the observation that advocating evil is worse than doing evil. It's easy to get discouraged as a Christian when one believes that one is constantly failing to be "good enough", but it should be enormously helpful to realize that there are other ways to score a victory.

12 August 2015 at 13:51

Anonymous Adam G. said...

this is a very good post. It is one of those very simple but revealing ways of looking at things.

12 August 2015 at 16:42

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Tucker - Thank you. Yes, well after posting it I realized that - of course - I lack both sweetness and strength; although perhaps (because of my irritability) it is the lack of sweetness which is the main problem.

I have so far found this impossible to eliminate- and can only notice, repent and apologize.

I would much rather be sweeter, but repentance of hardness is (thanks to Jesus Christ, in both sense of 'thanks') *enough*.

@Adam- Thank you.

12 August 2015 at 17:15

Anonymous Bruce B. said...

“Sweet” as the opposite of “sour” or “bitter” is probably right on but somehow it sounds effeminate. Is there a better term for how men should be? “Quiet” and “gentle” are precious traits for women in the eyes of the Lord. What’s the male equivalent?

12 August 2015 at 18:12

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@BB - Sweet is le mot juste - I am reclaiming it!

12 August 2015 at 18:25