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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger cae said...

I think you are absolutely spot on with this post, especially as summed up in that very last sentence!

From my experience, I can attest that "Spiritual Stuckness" incorporates such a feeling of emotional discomfort - that one becomes 'temptable' by all manner of distractions in the attempt to avoid being 'attentively present'...

...and as well, those distractions often consist of activities (such as reading spiritual materials) which are easily mistaken for being what one 'needs' or has been 'lead' to do in order to resolve the "Stuckness" -
- when in fact, as you pointed out, what we most need to do is 'be present' within the 'stuck' time and learn whatever it's trying to 'teach' us...

28 June 2021 at 21:20

Blogger ToTheRightRon said...

Currently reading "The Spiritual Man" by Watchman Nee. I'm about a quarter of the way through and half a dozen times I've run across something I thought would resonate with you. The book describes salvation, the flesh, the soul and the spirit. He points out how much of what Christians call "spiritual" is actually the works of the soul, soulish. I've read the salvation and flesh chapter and I'm in the soul section now. The spirit section should be interesting as already he has alluded to intuition in relation to communication with the Spirit.

29 June 2021 at 21:04