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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger Unknown said...

Could you tell me what exactly you mean by this?

"I hope there is still time for Magee to transcend philosophy, to go-behind his assumptions (which he would need to do), and to recover the spontaneous humanity from which he could swiftly think through to a satisfactory conclusion. "

18 February 2011 at 02:54

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

I mean that all philosophy is a partial and distorted view of the world, especially philosophy from post-Descartes era - and Magee uses Kant/ Schopenhaur as his basis - which is a very partial and distorted (and, as he acknowledges explicitly) incoherent kind of philosophy.

A truly serious philosopher of life would have to acknowledge that Aristotle/ Aquinas are unsurpassed - that the modernist project in philsophy failed...

But, Thomism itself is arbitrary in core respects - and requires to be grounded in Christian theology, which itself requires to be grounded by Christian holiness (faith, hope and love).

SO, the bottom line in intellectual matters is revelation and the Saints; who by their sanctity provide the best grounding of knowledge that is available on earth.

However, the Saints themselves are often modest/ scathing about what they know.

18 February 2011 at 05:56

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Magee is worth noting as someone for whom I have very high regard and whom I regard as being wrong about almost everything on which I have read his opinion."

It might be useful for readers of this blog if you were to specify in what ways you consider him to be "wrong".

Likewise, in what sense could you possibly say that Magee is a "nihilist", noble or otherwise?


6 April 2011 at 10:09

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

Mark - you're asking a lot for a blog comment! Read Magee's autobiography, why don't you? It's very good.

Nihilist is someone who denies the objective, unchanging nature of reality.

6 April 2011 at 14:23