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30 July 2017 at 00:53

Blogger Ugh said...

I don't know - maybe we do see angels and they look like - people. Quick story... My car broke down while hauling a trailer full of firewood. Stranded on the side of the road in the dark a man pulled up. As I walked up to his van I could see guns and survival gear in the back. He offered his help but I was absolutely freaked out by the sight of him, big, hairy, unkempt and intimidating. He hooked up my car, trailer and all and pulled it to the nearest station. I was petrified the whole time, sure he was going to kidnap and kill me. I called a friend to come help and he insisted on staying until my friend arrived, despite my insistence he didn't need to.

My friend took over but then the man insisted he follow us to my home to be sure we'd be OK. I can't tell you the awful things I was thinking about him by now. Twenty miles later we pulled up to my house and the man stopped, rolled down the window and told us he was glad we were safe and then said God bless you and drove away. I was sort of ashamed of myself having just been delivered by an angel.

1 August 2017 at 03:29