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Blogger Jacob Gittes said...

Another home run.
I've tried to understand, unsuccessfully, why most modern secular, science-worshipping and materialism-minded people cannot seem to see their their base assumptions are assumptions that they take on faith, and that their faith in these matters is no more valid than the faith of those crazy spiritual-minded people they like to denigrate.

I'm OK with admitting that my base assumptions are assumptions.
I'm also OK with the idea that we should use heartfelt and spiritual discernment on the matter of which base assumptions are correct.
But that makes me crazy to these materialists, while they do the same thing.
I think there is something about the idea they have in their minds that science and materialism are "real" in a realer way than spirit, even though logic, math and the mere existence of consciousness all prove that the non-material exist. It's almost like color-blindness, but a metaphysical type of blindess.
Or maybe a failure of hope?
Why would someone want to choose the bleaker, more depressing metaphysical option?
Is it anger at God? One of my atheistic friends definitely has anger at God. He tells me his anger stems from the fact that people suffer. He's obsessed by the fact that Hitler existed, but I'm sure if Hitler hadn't come along, there would be some other reason for him to be angry at God.
This is combined by the immediate, Pavlovian-startle reaction if I ever say anything even remotely conspiratorial. Yet the same person will impute conpsiratorial motives to the enemy, e.g. the ex-president (russia russia russia).
Fascinating to see such increasingly emotional and desperate reasonings in people. They won, yet their desperately disjointed thoughts continue to flail.

16 February 2021 at 14:05

Blogger Brief Outlines said...


16 February 2021 at 20:57