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Anonymous Dividualist said...

Jim has this idea that if you want to have science, you need a God small enough to fit into a Man. With a too big God (Islam) you get Occasionalism: no laws of nature, God does everything directly and without any necessary regularity.

21 May 2019 at 08:17

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@D - If you mean the Jim of Jim's blog, then he is a secularist/ non-believer who is merely trying to choose and engineer a state-religion to support the kind of society he favours.

But that will never happen - a genuinely motivating religion must come before politics.

Of course, there already is such a religion - the biggest pure monotheism - but I suppose that is too sexually restrictive for what JD wants.

21 May 2019 at 10:43

Anonymous Dave said...

Jim's critique of Christianity is that (a) the Bible is taken as literally true in every word, e.g. that Satan really did take Jesus to the top of a mountain where they could look down upon all the world's nations, (b) Biblical sex laws are selectively enforced against men while ignoring, or even celebrating, blatant female misconduct, and (c) Christianity is a dead religion, and reviving it would only create an undead religion, as Julian the Apostate briefly revived Roman Paganism.

Jim fully supports the restoration of Christianity as it was practiced in England from 1660 to 1800, the faith that birthed the Scientific and Industrial Revolutions. This would however require ripping out a great many heresies of the 19th and 20th centuries -- literalism, feminism, equalism, socialism, to name a few.

All denominations of Christianity that allow women to divorce their husbands are doomed. They will be replaced by Islam, by old-style patriarchal Christianity, or by something else.

21 May 2019 at 22:26

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Dave - It doesn't matter what he says, what story he tells - because for him it is just a means to a political end; a myth to rule-by.

22 May 2019 at 06:37