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"Inklings graves"


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Blogger The Crow said...

Oh how I miss that Green and Pleasant Land.
Well: the Green and Pleasant bits, anyway.

31 August 2011 at 22:45

Anonymous a Finn said...

May they be blessed by God.


I often walk to this church (Helsingin pitäjän kirkko) and it's park like graveyard:

In the new chapel:$file/Pyh%C3%A4,%20siunauskappeli.jpg

In this nice old summer cafe near the church I drink coffee:

A park near the church:

1 September 2011 at 05:43

Blogger Chris said...

Is Tolkien buried with his wife? What about Joy Gresham?

In 1994, I made my pilgrmage to Oxford and saw the Eagle and Child, etc.

Best, I visited the Kilns. Only one caretaker was there, and I helped him for an afternoon in the garden, which was in a state of disrepair at the time.

How many can say they gardened at the Kilns? Ah, fine memories...

2 September 2011 at 19:46

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Chris - yes, Tolkien is buried with his wife (Beren and Luthien, it says on the grave stone) - But Jack Lewis with his brother, and I don't know where Joy is buried.

I visited the Kilns too, which was memorable - also very neat nowadays, thanks to people like yourself!

2 September 2011 at 22:21