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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Anonymous FHL said...

I laughed. Especially at the last two lines.

29 January 2013 at 09:54

Anonymous robert61 said...

Well observed, though in today's world, or at least in my experience as the father of musically inclined young teens, instrument ownership is not as big a factor as it was when we were young.

29 January 2013 at 10:04

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@FHL - if you look at the time this was posted, you can see that it came to me in a dream (from which I was awoken by a migraine at 3 am). @robert, yes, my perspective derives from the late 1960s into early 70s - as evidenced by the 'cape' reference.

29 January 2013 at 12:31

Blogger Ugh said...

Having played professionally in rock bands and as a studio musician for over 30 years you have nailed several stereotypes perfectly. I would add that the drummer (once a little older) is likely to succumb to booze. The lead singer will impregnate several young women marrying none. The bass player will go on to have the best day job and become independently wealthy. The keyboardist will eventually join the church band as the musical director (because they will listen to him). And the lead guitarist, his looks having left him, will be on an endless quest for a louder amplifier because he can never hear his brilliance over the cacophony of the rest.

29 January 2013 at 18:05

Blogger The Crow said...

The sax player gets artfully omitted, as sax players should. There is no place for them in such bands, as I proved, at my one performance as sound-man for the sensational Alex Harvey - er - band, at the Marquee Club in London. I faded him right out :)
It is fortunate that many of these bands you speak of break up, or we would find ourselves knee-deep in them.

30 January 2013 at 19:22