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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger Francis Berger said...

Well, I have to say, your commentary on the post is more masterly than the post itself!

"Information is mediated communication, and all symbols requires decoding - yet that decoding is into yet more symbols! - and so, unless direct-knowing is acknowledged as possible, there can be no escape from symbols!

One who believes in the primacy of information is confronted by an infinite regress of interpretations, where "truth" dissolves into whatever people can be manipulated to believe."

Yes, this is key. I sense that we are being nudged, ever more emphatically, toward engaging in direct-knowing/primary thinking. Without that, we're trapped in information, which is exactly where They appear to want to keep us. (BTW, I owe the bulk of my recent thinking about direct-knowing to you and your work on the subject, particulary on this blog.)

22 January 2024 at 13:06

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Frank - In this business I have the "advantage" of having been pretty-solidly on the Other Side, the wrong side, up into the middle 2000s - and being probably at best only one remove from the WEF. This included a deep-dive into exactly the "infinite regress" of symbols, that I approached via complex systems theory: e.g., especially the Appendix... (Note: I reference this book in a somewhat confessional and repentant spirit, rather than as a "Must Read" recommendation!)

22 January 2024 at 13:34

Anonymous the outrigger said...

This post reminds me of a couple of posts you wrote a while back, about it dawning on you that the unitary atom-like agents of economic theory (forget your terminology) were fictions and economics could never get it be right. These are the metaphysics posts of yours I get.

23 January 2024 at 20:27