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Blogger Chris said...

Thankyou Bruce.
Helpful enriching of your recent discussion of instinct and intuition. It deepens my sense of the two.

30 October 2020 at 11:55

Anonymous Gary Bleasdale said...

The reduction of our relationship to dreaming and dreamlife to either 1) a tool for worldly therapy (reduction of misery, augmentation of pleasure, contentment) or 2) a biological quirk which we must deal with because we have no other choice, but which is mostly just an obstacle to getting on with real life

Is probably one of the most unrecognized and critical "mistakes" which most modern men have allowed themselves to engage in, in terms of its functionality to building and maintaining life in the Black Iron Prison.

Explicitly seeking to do God´s Will during dreaming, as well, is something which I think would reap great spiritual dividends. It is, after all, still "us" doing the dreaming.

We must seek it explicitly, because otherwise we are in an extremely vulnerable state during sleep... very open to manipulation and error, which undoubetdly flows indidiously and powerfully into our waking consciousness too.

And any true Christian, who has actually thought through the implications of the importance of dreaming mentioned in the Bible and other Holy Works, should recoil at any attempt to reduce dreaming to a sort of spiritual appendix.

30 October 2020 at 13:39

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@GB - Indeed. This is the first era (and only for the past 30-40 years) that dreaming is essentially ignored completely in the mainstream - even in the 60s and 70s there was a lot of attention to it (misplaced mainly, but mainstream).

Given the special evil of this era - This ignoring/ suppression must be significant.

30 October 2020 at 16:07

Anonymous Jacob Gittes said...

What can I say? Fascinating, and I now feel compelled to read some Steiner.
It feels right.
Dreams have become more important to me in the past two years, and I don't see them as epiphonema of the brain activity. Reductionists have it all wrong. The brain is not a computer, and even if it were, the spirt and soul are not simply products of the brain and neural activity.

30 October 2020 at 20:44