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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger Chiu ChunLing said...

I would caution that there are evil spirits as well as good, merely being attuned to spiritual energies is not sufficient, one must be attuned to the right spirits.

As the horrors of the anti-Christian forces in the world become more exposed, it is ever clearer that much of their evil is motivated by hatred and contempt for the physical body, preferring the company and teaching of spiritual entities.

But not the right spirits.

21 January 2018 at 05:15

Blogger Robert What? said...

What Christiany gives you (in theory) that plain spirituality does not is accountability. You are accountable to God for your time on this earth. Plain spirituality not grounded in Christiany places the person himself at the center and makes them accountable to no one but themselves. I say "in theory" because modern Christianity has often turned God into our adoring best friend who looks at us with simpering love, almost like God is saying: "anything you do is ok by Me because I love you and I forgive you, but more importantly you must forgive yourself."

24 January 2018 at 19:55