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Blogger James Higham said...

“We are free” is an interesting concept. How about “we are all in thrall to something”, we are free to choose that which we give ourselves over to?

30 December 2019 at 12:55

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@James - Well, with convergence of all institutions; increasingly whatever we give ourselves to amounts to the same (demonic) thing. Ultimately, if we are alive, we will be in thrall to The System (to greater or lesser degree). But thought remains free - potenitally.

30 December 2019 at 14:59

Anonymous edwin said...

I once spoke to a well-known religious writer about my moral reservations in continuing with my profession - journalist - and he told me, with some emphasis: "Evil is systemic!" There was no place I could go and do something for a living that would not be tainted. We were standing on a Manhattan street corner and he swept his hand about him and told me that the city, in effect, belonged to satan, and important people in it were either consciously or unconsciously serving him. I see now how right he was and you are. All remedial action must be individual, not institutional or programmatic. Christ was left alone, but He was not alone because the Father was with Him. So it seems to be with us now.

30 December 2019 at 18:57

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@edwin - He was correct. But it is very hard to admit we make a living from our services to evil - we so much want to feel superior to others. Yet it is that admission (and repentance) which is the only thing that makes it alright.

I remember talking to someone who had lived in the USSR and he was astonished at the lack of insight of the British about these matters. He said that the system was much the same, but in the USSR most people knew it was a sham, while in the UK they believed the public relations nonsense.

I think the difference was that many communist Russians were still Christian, buried deep inside; whereas deep inside most of the upper class and professional British people I have encountered there was... nothing.

30 December 2019 at 19:44